Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thankful Thursday

I have been waiting for Thursday for what seems like a week. I have a lot to be thankful for this week:
1. I am thankful that my husband is safe.
2. I am thanful Harold is alive.
3. I am thankful for the love and support of all my friends and family. Thank you for thinking of us.
4. I am thankful for kleenex.
5. I am thankful for Lehi Police and all the training they have had. If they hadn't reacted as fast as they did, there would have been a lot more people hurt or dead.
6. I am thankful for my mom and sisters for taking my kids and keeping them occupied.
7. Kleenex.
8. I am thankful for all the other agencies in the area that stepped up on Monday and helped our guys, by taking there calls and just being there offering their support.
9. I am thankful my husband is a part of such a good and loving department. They really stick together and love and support each other.
10. I am thankful for a husband who is patient and understanding when his wife has a freak-out, or ten.
I am not good at putting my thoughts down in writing. I am just glad things didn't turn out worse. It is awesome how much these guys love each other. They are with each other everyday depending on each other with their lives. They are a big family, and nobody messes with their family, wives and children included. They really pull together and unite. It is quit awesome to see. Our thoughts and prayers are with Harold and his family. We love you.


Natilie said...

Still thinking about you.

The Brooks Family said...

Ah.. made me teary. I'm glad Harold's doing so well... hang in there champ!

Jenn said...

I have thought alot about you this week...:)

Unknown said...

I want you to know that I have thought about you guys too. I just never called cause I figured your phone would be ringing off the hook with everyone else calling...

So glad everyone is safe! And for as much as I dislike officers when they are behind me with the flashing lights...I am so grateful that they are willing to put themselves "out there" for the rest of us.

Thanks Jeff! (and bawl-baby Nik) LOL!

Mike, Torie and Boys said...

I have been thinking of you guys all week.
I am glad Capt Terry is doing well. He is such a great guy.Keep me updated on how he is doing.

Ingersoll Family said...

Trials always help remind me of what is important and what I am grateful for. Sure love you guys.