Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

On this Father's Day I would really like to say how blessed I am to have some great men in my life. My Dad is awesome. When we were growing up Natilie and I were friends with another pair of sisters that were the same age as us. We were best friends and my dad would always make sure they new they were welcome at our house because he would give Natilie and I kisses and then tease them by chasing them around trying to kiss them(he was totally teasing) and they would just scream and yell. It was funny. He did it every time. I also remember him playing hide with us. He would go hide in the dark house and we would have to find him and make it safely back to our room before being captured, he would spend hours playing baseball with me so I could try out for little league and then softball in High School. When I needed him he was there and even now sometimes if I have a bad day and I hear his voice or see him I will just start to bawl, and he laughs and gives me a hug, then everything is all better. Thanks Dad for always being there. My Grandpa Dan was always fun to be around, and now that I am older I realize how funny he is. He is a very crafty man, he can make anything out of wood, doors, and even antlers, one year he made all the granddaughters earrings and belt buckles out of antlers. They were really cool. He is also a great gardner and knows everything about flowers and vegetable. I really look up to him. Now I know the stigma of in-laws but mine are great. Jeff's dad is a really great man. He is an even more awesome Grandpa. He enjoys playing with kids and when we go up to his house for Friday night dinner you will always find him outside playing with the kids. He has been known to toss the kids into the air without any thought to how sore he will be in the morning.
Last but not least, Jeff. What can I say that hasn't already been said. He is great. He always tells me I am pretty and he calls my girls "beautiful". They are beautiful, but it just does something to a little girl to hear her daddy tell her she is beautiful and it melts my heart when he does. He really boosts there self-esteem. He always knows when I have had a bad day, and he tries to cheer me up. He is an awesome dad, and he is an even greater husband. Happy Fathers Day, I am very lucky to have a man like you.


Natilie said...

Great tribute! We are very lucky girls.

The Brooks Family said...

I remember "hide". Funny I haven't thought about that in years! Great Tribute.