Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I've been Tagged Again!

This one is a little harder, I actually had to think:

1. Typically what time do you wake up?
6:15, even on the weekends, it irritates me.

2. On a good night what time are your kids in bed?
3. How long have you been a mommy?
13 years tommorrow.
4. How old were you when you became a mommy?
5. What is your favorite kids t.v. show/movie?
anything Disney, Spongebob Squarepants
6. What is your least favorite kids show?
ED, Edd and Eddy
7. What are your kids favorite chores?
They hate all chores.
8. What is your favorite meal to cook?
Spaghetti,and anthing on the BBQ,it's easy.
9. What is the meal you cook most often?
French toast for dinner, Ravioli, Taco's,

10. What is your kids favorite meal?
Jaycie - Mac and Cheese, Colton - Steak, Kinzie - pretty much likes everything.
11. What is your favorite thing your husband does with your kids?
Takes them camping, or boating
12. What are five things that make you smile when being a mom?
Listening to my kids giggle, watching them play so well together, seeing them do goofy things,watching them succeed.
13. If you could take your kids anywhere where would it be?
Ireland, or England, where their ancestors are from.
14. When was the last time you went somewhere without your kids?
When Jeff and I went to Oregon, to pick up our trailer.
15. What is your favorite pastime activity to do with your kids?
Watch movies, play games, boating, just being together.
16. Name one thing you said you would never do as a mom?
let my kids in public with snot dripping down their faces, or dirty clothes.
17. What is your favorite quality your mom has?
She could always relate to us through our teenage years and was very approachable if we had a problem of any kind.
18. What is your advice for new moms?
Sleep, don't sweat the small stuff, it's okay for a baby to cry, etc., etc.
19. What is your scariest or most heartbreaking moment as a mom?
When you watch them try their hardest and they still don't quite make it.

20. What is your most joyful moment of being a mom?
It's all pretty joyful. I love watching them stretch beyond themselves or succeed at something they have tried really hard to do. I also love the laughing - then I know they are happy.
21. When was the last time you were told "I love you" by one of your kids?
Just before they left to school.

I tag Shaunte, Kathy, Jammie, and Jenn -something else for your blog.

1 comment:

Natilie said...

This was a fun one. I liked what you said about Mom. Seems like I've heard that one before!