Monday, April 28, 2008

I've been Tagged:

5 things I was doing 10 years ago...
1. Adjusting to life with a two year old, and a 5 month old
2. Living in our new house in Lehi
3. Working part-time
4. Adjusting to being a single mom(Jeff was working nights and sleeping a couple hours, then working from about 12:00 p.m., until 3:00 am)
5. I was in the nursery

5 things on my to do list...
1. Paint Kinzie's bedroom
2. Mow the lawn.
3. Weed the flowers.
4. Finish my backyard
5. Win the Lottery

5 favorite snacks....
1. Junior Mints.
2. Choco. covered Cinnamon Bears
3. Popcorn
4. Cereal
5. Wheat thins

5 things I would do if I was a billionaire...
1. Payoff my sisters and Jeff's siblings houses.
2. Tear down my house and build a new one.
3. TRAVEL, travel, and travel more.
4. Buy a houseboat in Lake Powell.
5. Buy a cabin in the mountains.

5 bad habits....
1. Foul mouth.
2. Jeff said "reading".
3. drinking to much Diet Coke.
4. Spending too much money.
5. no patience.

5 jobs I've had...
1. China Light
2. Baskin-Robbins
3. Kohlers
4. Wester Community Bank
5. Meadow Elementary

5 places I've lived...
1. Lehi, Utah
2. Different house in Lehi, Utah
3. American Fork, Utah
4. Lehi,Utah
5. American Fork, Utah

I tag Miriam, Shaunte, and Jenn


Natilie said...

That's so sweet of you to think of paying off my house. I would definitely pay off yours too.

The Brooks Family said...

yay! I totally hope you win a Billion dollars some day! If I do, I'll pay your house off too!