Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Hey There Mckinzie

This picture doesn't have anything to do with the following story, I just thought it was cute. Anyway, Kinzie got her first love song from a boy yesterday. I thought I would share some of it with you. She has had a crush on him for most of the year. It goes like this: Mckinzie if you still like me this is for you, if you don't like me anymore please don't read it. This is a song called Hey There Delilah. Hey there Mckinzie what's it like in New York City, I'm a thousand miles away, but girl tonight you look pretty yes you dooo. Hey there Mckinzie don't you worry about the distance I'm right there if you get lonely. A thousand miles seems pretty far but they've got planes and trains and cars, I'd walk to you if I had no other waaaay... And it keeps going, but it's to long. (he wrote this not me.) Pretty cute huh! Well I thought so and she had a stinking nervous breakdown today. Bawling all over the place, you would have thought he wanted to marry her at the age of ten the way she was carrying on. She was soooo nervous, she didn't know if she like him anymore. I mean come on, is she one of those girls who likes a boy until he likes her back. Just the other day she was whining, nobody likes me, and now that one does, she totally has a breakdown. Oh well the stress of a ten year old. I don't think I am going to handle growing up very well.

1 comment:

The Brooks Family said...

I vote this "Most creative Love note ever". Love it. I never would have thought to quote a whole (ok, half) a song! kids these days! Good Luck to McKinzie, I know she'll make the right decision. ;)