Friday, August 15, 2008

Welcome to Wendy's may I take your order......

One afternoon I was sitting in my bedroom reading a book. Things were going well, you know, the kids weren't fighting,I could hear giggles, and every now and then I heard talking on walkie-talkies. This is a common thing in my house. Sometimes they are used as cell phones, and more often than not they are used as walkie-talkies. Well on this particular occasion they were used as intercoms. I was deep into my book when all of a sudden I hear a squawk, and then Welcome to Wendy's may I take your order? And then another squawk and- I would like a frosty, 2 chicken nuggets, and fries. I hear a ding, and then that will be $4.00. have a nice day. I came out of my room to see what was what and this is what I found:

The girls had turned my living room into a Wendy's. They were using the bay window as a drive-up. They were using 3 walkies. 2 were taped up on the window outside, and the other was used by Kinzie to take orders

Jaycie would ride her scooter to the first window, with her purse hanging on the handlebars of course, and order her food. Kinzie would tell her the amount, and then Jaycie would "drive" to the next window, pay her money and pick up her food. The bell was used to let Kinzie know when the "food was up". Just before Jaycie went the foot to the other window Kinzie would ring the bell signaling her food was ready. They have been playing "shopping" and "library", pretending they were buying school clothes, and checking out books, but for some reason this was funny to me. If only I could have a child's imagination. They spent hours playing this game. It was nice to see them getting along and having fun. It made me wish I was a kid again.

1 comment:

Natilie said...

Pretty imaginative taping them to the window! Cute kids.