Thursday, December 11, 2008

My Hero!

I sent Jeff a text last night telling him of my plight. So after class he went to Wal-mart in Orem to find my sauce. He called and told me my search was still on. I was very sad.
I fell asleep on the couch waiting for him to come home. When he woke me and we went up stairs, I could not believe my eyes. There were 4 sauces sitting on the counter in all there glory. He had went to Macey's in Orem and found my sauces.
Thank you, thank you, my wonderful husband.


Natilie said...

What a guy! He's a keeper.

The Fannen's said...

Awwwww, that is just the sweetest thing!! He is A HERO!!!

The Brooks Family said...

That man does love you. Either that, or he hasn't gotten laid in a while. Smooth move Jeffie!

dad said...

Sad, things like this just make it hard on the rest of us.

Unknown said...

Do I need to try that stuff?

Jeff is awesome.

Jenn said...

Now all you need are those tasty chips we had at "bunch"co!! Jeff, what a swell guy!!

BJ and Sherrie Benson said...

How sweet, a guy that knows where the grocery store is! JK I want to try it now, it made me hungry.