Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Bye-Bye Peach Fuzz

For about 6 months now I have been noticing a little bit of growth on Colton's upper lip. It used to be noticeable only when the sun hit it at a certain angle. While at church on Sunday I happened to look at him and I kid you not the kid had a fuzz-stache. It was thick and very blond. Does this look like a kid who is old enough to have fuzz? I should say not. Okay, the pic is a couple of years old but still, come on.
I started teasing him and I told Jeff he was going to have to have a tutorial on using a razor soon. Much to my dismay, right after church the "boys" went upstairs and proceeded to shave the fuzz. I was quite sad. My boy is shaving. HE IS TO YOUNG. Well, he only shaved once but still. It will happen again. I am not quite ready. I mean, shaving underarms is a necessity and if Kinz wasn't in a leo 24/7 I wouldn't have showed her how.
I will report that no eyebrows were harmed in the shaving of the fuzz-stache.


The Brooks Family said...

Oh my! Our little "star, yeah yeah" has turned into a man. so sad.

The Fannen's said...

It's WRONG, is what it is! Growing way too fast!

Unknown said...

That means there is probably hair, um, elsewhere...

BJ and Sherrie Benson said...

You and Jeff are going to be grandparent's before you know it. Just kidding Nik, your're still young and hot! Kids grow up way too fast!