Monday, April 4, 2011

HaPpY bIrThDaY jAyCiE!

This sweet thing is 10 years old. I can't believe how fast the time has gone.
Here are some of the reasons we love Jaycie.
She is sweet
When picking out treats she always remembers to get one for Colton and Kinzie.
She loves her brother and sister
She never gives up
She has a funny personality
She is very literal minded so she says some funny things.
She always asks me if she can help me cook
She hates to get in the shower, but once she's in we can't get her out
She like her hair to be pretty
She is very smart. She excells at math and spelling
She is a great little sister, and a fantastic daughter.

We love you Jayc and I hope your day was fantastic.


The Brooks Family said...

Happy birthday bug... i know i already told you, and I'm 10 days late, but couldnt let this go without a comment! Love you!

Elder Cooper Smith said...

Happy Belated Birthday Jaycie! Can't wait to burn marshmallows with you this summer.