Sunday, August 16, 2009

This is how we spent our 16th anniversary....

Camping with the family. Every year for the past 3-4 years we have spent our anniversaries camping with my family. This year was no different. We left on a Monday and went to Lodgpole with my mom, grandparents, Reed and Nat, and Jammie came and spent the night. I guess since they were all there on our wedding day, it wasn't to weird spending our anniversary with them.
Jeff bought me a camera for the big 16 so here are some fantastic pics of our week:

Hey there hottie.

Stailey had a ball. She was so dang dirty.

Reed feeding a pot-gut some breakfast. I can't believe how close he came.

This pot-gut was very friendly. We had pot guts and chipmunks coming right up to us.

Thanks honey for spending our anniversary with the family. I love you. Hopefully the niext 16 years will be as great as the last 16.

1 comment:

The Fannen's said...

YEAH! Happy Anniversary! Cute pics