Holy cow, where does the time go. It seemed like only yesterday we brought Colton home from the hospital. He is such an amazing young man. I am so proud of the person he is. Here is why we love Coco:
He has a gorgeous smile. It lights up his whole face.
He is sweet.
He loves his sisters
He loves his Heavenly Father
He loves animals.
He loves to skateboard and wake board and has recently decided to add snowboarding into the mix.
From the age of 2 when he stood on top of Natilie's playset, took off his shirt and swung it over his head saying "I am a handsome star", he has had a lot of confidence.
Also, when he was 2 we were at my moms and he was getting ready to get into the tub, he started to poop so he was running into the bathroom and poop was falling and hitting his heels and bouncing off like balls onto the floor. He has better aim now.
When he was four we were at our friends house in their backyard. He had to pee so he just whipped it out and peed on their fence. Sorry Darren and Allison.
He is an exhibitionist. He is a little better now he is older, but not much.
He had squash as friends.
He has a really bad gag reflex and used to puke all the time. Bad smells, bad textured food, anything that grossed him out.
His voice is changing so he always makes funny noises and it cracks us up. I will miss that.
He is funny, and when someone is sad, he always tries to cheer them up.
He is very generous with hugs and kisses.
We love you handsome star-hope you have a really good day.
Happy Birthday Handsome Star! We love you!
that says happy birthday from vu nvbjhf Stailey. dfn bbbbbbbb
k. she's gone. Happy Birthday Coco. We love you - quirks and all!
Happy birthday buddy. Hope it was a good one and you are a handsome devil thank goodness for the Evans Genes. It wasn't squash it was skaush
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