Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happy Mothers Day!

I had a wonderful Mother's Day this year. My fabulous husband gave me a gift certificate to Buckle. My favorite store. He was going to get me one to Rodworks, but decided the Buckle one was more for me whereas the Rodworks one was more for the house. He is a thinker that one. I love him. He is great. I really would like to thank his mom and my mother-in-law for raising such a great man. He helps out around the house, he takes care of the kids(he is better at it sometimes that me)he is thoughtful, and he has never forgotten a Birthday, Holiday or Anniversary, and his gifts are thoughtful, not just something he grabs. So Joyce, thank you for raising such a great man. I love my mother-in-law too. She is not interfering and we get along great. I love her like my own mom.
Colton gave me a pitcher( I call it a gravy boat) that he made in ceramics. It wasn't a Mothers Day gift, it was just an assignment and he said he made it with me in mind. Kinzie made me a pen with a flower on the top. It is great, she won't let anyone use it except me. Tonight someone other than me used the pen, and the green tape that covers the pen started moving, and she was in tears because it was ruined. We fixed it though so everything is a-okay. Jaycie made me a nice card and then her and Kinzie made me crown to wear all day. They are getting more thoughtful as they get older. I am so proud of the way I am raising them. jk.
I would also like to thank my own mom. She was a great listener when we were growing up. Whenever we had problem we new we could go to our mom and she might be dissapointed but she never judged. She taught us how to keep house and she did teach us how to cook. I am thankful for all the love and support my mom has given me through the years. Thanks Mom. I hope all of you had as good a Mother's Day as I did.

1 comment:

The Brooks Family said...

Glad you had a good day. After reading your blog, I realize mom also taught you how to spell! ha ha!