Friday, March 28, 2008

The Perils of a Razor

So about 2 months ago Kinzie was getting ready for gymnastics. She was pulling her hair into a pony when I happened to glance over and much to my dismay she had what I had thought to be very black hair growing under her arms. I grabbed her arm and shoved my face right under her pit and discovered that she did indeed have long hairy pit hair, only the black was caused by sweat, deodorant, and a black long sleeve shirt.( thus the dark hair. the shirt had stained the pits.) I was flabbergasted, she is only 10. Well, needless to say we had a quick lesson with the razor and off to gym we went. Later that night as I was fixing dinner I heard a very panicked yell coming from the vicinty of the bathroom. As I approached the bathtub where Kinzie was having her bath I saw clump of blonde hair floating in the water, puzzled, I then heard "I'm ugly my eyebrows are gone." What the *&$# happened! My lovely daughter just did not have enough fun shaving the pits, she decided her brows needed to be thinned out. She had taken a big chunk right out of the center of her brow. Not just one brow mind you, but both brows. What where the big chunks of hair floating in the water you ask? Well when she was "shaping" her brows, the razor slipped and sliced a big chunk of hair off her head above her ear. ON BOTH SIDES. The way her night was going I was surprised her ear wasn't floating in the water with her hair. These pics don't do the brows justice, but in real life......lets just say Jeff and I will be laughing about this for years. Oh Yeah! All use of razors must have Adult Supervision.


Natilie said...


The Brooks Family said...

I can't believe you told her secret. I thought this little "stupid moment" was to remain unmentioned!? As a professional, I want to assure everyone that the brows have grown back nicely. So not funny. (wink)

Unknown said...

Poor thing.

Mike, Torie and Boys said...

Hey thanks for the advice. I really appreciate it. I will try that in the morning forsure.
I laughed when I read about cute Kinzie. I did the same thing when I was little.( well I was a little bit older) A girl told me I had bushy eyebrows, so I put an end to that. Tell her they will grow back.
She is such a pretty girl.