Monday, March 17, 2008

Woe's of a child....age 6

Most of you know that Jaycie is a very picky eater. Her daily diet consists of waffles, cheese sticks, mac & cheese, or pasta with butter and salt, and occasionally Ramen noodles, more mac& cheese, tacos, cheese sticks, and pasta. That is it. Is it any wonder she always has a belly ache. Every day she complains that her belly hurts. I thought it was because I was working at the school and she would just want to see me for a minute. Well, I think it may be some of that reason but I think the biggest reason is because her insides are one big freaking noodle. Last night clinched that theory. It was nine-ish and I was heading off to bed (Jeff is gone so I can go to bed whenever I want) when all of a sudden I heard this most heartbreaking cry coming from Jaycie's room, well her belly was hurting enough to wake her from a deep sleep. I hate belly aches, I don't ever know what to do, so I called my mom. She seemed to think she was constipated. Is it any wonder with what she eats? She also suggested a suppository? Great! I don't have those, so I called my neighbors. So embarassing. Luckily they had some and we tried that. What a fun time that was! NOT! Jaycie is looking at me like I was insane, and that is not going to happen she tells me. Well I won and it did happen. Well after a minute she decided she needed to go potty. She is sitting there and she starts to scream because it hurts so I the dedicated mom that I am go sit on the tub and hold her while she is trying to do her duty, and she looks at me with these big teary eyes and say" I wish I had a normal life." Huh! I guess having your mom hold you while you poo is not normal. Who knew. I will say though I am now a big believer in the suppository. And hopefully this will teach her some new eating habits. We shall see.


Natilie said...

Has she ever heard of a fruit? Oh, and I think you have proved yourself a worthy and noble mother as you held her while she did her business. Way to go!

The Brooks Family said...

Jaycie will always remember you holding her during her trama... good mom! I second the fruit comment - will she eat grapes? They're yummy!