Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Great Kids

As you all know I am subbing at my kids school. Not so bad. I enjoy it. What I do not enjoy is the fact that some of these children need there butts kicked, in a major way. I know kids aren't perfect, but the fact is kids these days are so freaking disrespectful. They don't listen when they should, they pull faces at you, they throw pencils to see if they will stick in the ceiling, and they even jump over desks. The most frustrating part is you can't hit them. You want to , but you can't. And these are fifth grader, you think they would know better. On the upside it has shown me that even though my kids make me mad, they are really good kids. It is so good to hear that your kids are respectful, they do as they are told, and they get good grades. I am so proud of the way my kids act away from home. It worries you when they step out the door and you aren't sure how they are going to act, and then you find out they act just the way you want them to. Thank You my children for being so great.
On a funny note: I was subbing the rotten fifth grade class when a cute girl asked if I wanted to read her poem. I said sure and this was how the poem went: Roses are red, Violets are blue, I can't wait to suck on you. .........I kind of looked at her in hmmm....shock, and I asked who was this lovely poem to. Imagine my surprise when it wasn't to a boy as I had first assumed, but it was to a Hershey's Kiss. Of course, what was I thinking. I came home that evening and read the lovely poem to my handsome husband. Much to his enjoyment. teehee


Natilie said...

I think your kids are great. I agree with you on other peoples. The thing is that those kids act the exact same way at home and their parents love them too much to discipline them. It might "break their spirits."

The Brooks Family said...

Personally, I dont think it has anything to do with "love" I think it's fear. Parents are afraid to discipline their kids.. and now kids have no fear of authority. It gets worse as they get older. Trust me, in High School they are still throwing pencils!! And I love your kids, they're very well behaved! Also, I'm stilling the poem!

Unknown said...

Look who blogs?

And for the record, I think you could hit them, just don't leave a mark.