This is an old pic. Haven't uploaded the new ones yet.
Happy Birthday Jaycie Bug Magnusson.
We have been in Disneyland so this post is a couple of days late. We spent Jaycie's birthday and Easter in Disneyland this year. It was the best birthday ever.
Reasons we love Jayc:
1. She has such a loving personality.
2. She loves to cuddle
3. She still sleeps with her "love" blankies every night. She can't sleep without them.
4. She is very literal minded.
5. She comes up with some pretty funny comments. (see other posts)
6. She is a teaser
7. She hates to be teased
8. She shared good
9. She has mastered the back handspring,and is currently working on her tuck.
We love you Jaycie. Hope you had a fabulous day.