Monday, March 31, 2008

Out of the mouths of babes

-K- here is a funny. We are at dinner tonight and I say "man I am sick of this cold weather.", and Jaycie then says, " I am tired of being a lesbian." Oh my gosh food came flying out of my mouth, I was laughing so hard. Jaycie do you know what that means? Needless to say she did not, she just heard the word before and thought it sounded cool.

Friday, March 28, 2008

The Perils of a Razor

So about 2 months ago Kinzie was getting ready for gymnastics. She was pulling her hair into a pony when I happened to glance over and much to my dismay she had what I had thought to be very black hair growing under her arms. I grabbed her arm and shoved my face right under her pit and discovered that she did indeed have long hairy pit hair, only the black was caused by sweat, deodorant, and a black long sleeve shirt.( thus the dark hair. the shirt had stained the pits.) I was flabbergasted, she is only 10. Well, needless to say we had a quick lesson with the razor and off to gym we went. Later that night as I was fixing dinner I heard a very panicked yell coming from the vicinty of the bathroom. As I approached the bathtub where Kinzie was having her bath I saw clump of blonde hair floating in the water, puzzled, I then heard "I'm ugly my eyebrows are gone." What the *&$# happened! My lovely daughter just did not have enough fun shaving the pits, she decided her brows needed to be thinned out. She had taken a big chunk right out of the center of her brow. Not just one brow mind you, but both brows. What where the big chunks of hair floating in the water you ask? Well when she was "shaping" her brows, the razor slipped and sliced a big chunk of hair off her head above her ear. ON BOTH SIDES. The way her night was going I was surprised her ear wasn't floating in the water with her hair. These pics don't do the brows justice, but in real life......lets just say Jeff and I will be laughing about this for years. Oh Yeah! All use of razors must have Adult Supervision.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Ode to the Easter Egg.....

You are so pretty, you are so bright, Colton had to hold in the contents of his stomach, with all his might. Some of you may not know that my son has a very weak stomach and a very strong gag reflex. Certain smells will set him off, a boiled egg being one of them. The other is pumpkin guts and leftover Brocolli soup. Anyway last night we decided to start out Easter-palooza(more on that later) with a little egg decorating. Instead of our usual Paas decorating kit, I decided to try out Dudley's Easter Egg decorating kit found at our local Target store, (and elswhere I'm sure). Our neighbors, who have chickens, offered up some brown eggs to see how they would color. After boiling 24 eggs,(my son obviously absent during this time) we proceeded to color our eggs. All I can say is amazing. The colors were so cool. Even the brown eggs sported some funkyness. The really dark blue ones are brown eggs, and even the brown colored egg was done in brown. I think the kids did a great job. Colton came upstairs for the event long enough to dump an egg in the color and a little while later he was back up pulling it out. The funniest was this morning. While I was upstairs putting on make-up he had opened to fridge to get the milk for his cereal, and of course the eggs were in the fridge, but he ran up the stairs gagging and he had tears running down his face, "mom why did you put the eggs in the fridge, now I can't get in there and every time the door opens I'm going to gag." I just laughed. Poor Boy!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Terrific Tuesday

Okay so my day wasn't all that great. Rough day subbing in music class, I kind of yelled, but they were really bad today. We had auditions for the talent show at school and that was well, interesting. And then I was supposed to get my haircut and I was running late, and I hate to run late, I kind of start to panic and then everything gets tense. Well I walked in my house and I was kind of onery, when to my utter astonishment my dishwasher had been unloaded and the dishes put away. Who had done such a wonderful thing? It was my son Colton. He knew I had to be at the school late, and he saw what needed to be done and he did it. I have been blessed with a wonderful son, who sees what has to be done and does it. Well, most of the time. I love that he did this for me without having to be asked. Kudos! to you my son.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Woe's of a child....age 6

Most of you know that Jaycie is a very picky eater. Her daily diet consists of waffles, cheese sticks, mac & cheese, or pasta with butter and salt, and occasionally Ramen noodles, more mac& cheese, tacos, cheese sticks, and pasta. That is it. Is it any wonder she always has a belly ache. Every day she complains that her belly hurts. I thought it was because I was working at the school and she would just want to see me for a minute. Well, I think it may be some of that reason but I think the biggest reason is because her insides are one big freaking noodle. Last night clinched that theory. It was nine-ish and I was heading off to bed (Jeff is gone so I can go to bed whenever I want) when all of a sudden I heard this most heartbreaking cry coming from Jaycie's room, well her belly was hurting enough to wake her from a deep sleep. I hate belly aches, I don't ever know what to do, so I called my mom. She seemed to think she was constipated. Is it any wonder with what she eats? She also suggested a suppository? Great! I don't have those, so I called my neighbors. So embarassing. Luckily they had some and we tried that. What a fun time that was! NOT! Jaycie is looking at me like I was insane, and that is not going to happen she tells me. Well I won and it did happen. Well after a minute she decided she needed to go potty. She is sitting there and she starts to scream because it hurts so I the dedicated mom that I am go sit on the tub and hold her while she is trying to do her duty, and she looks at me with these big teary eyes and say" I wish I had a normal life." Huh! I guess having your mom hold you while you poo is not normal. Who knew. I will say though I am now a big believer in the suppository. And hopefully this will teach her some new eating habits. We shall see.

Happy St Paddy's Day

Okay I am a big fan of St. Patricks Day. We have been getting prepared for this day....well since last night anyway. We had to paint fingernails green, and get our clothes ready for school. While the children are preparing there day I am also preparing for my part in the holiday. My mom started the tradition when we were in school to make us special colored lunches. I remember on Halloween everything would be orange, and on St. Patricks Day everything was green. So this morning I am up bright and early to pack the "surprise" colored lunches. The girls had green sandwiches, green chips(sour cream and onion in a green bag), green bug juice, and a green shamrock cookie. What fun. Well I am feeling a little sad that Colton won't be getting a home lunch, because apparently when you are in junior high it is horrifying to have home lunch. So me the wonderful mother I am surprise him with a doughnut and juice in his backpack for him to discover at school, well he found it this morning before, but that was okay cuz the girls would be surprised right. Well wrong, Kinzie comes bouncing down the stairs this morning with this comment: "did you remember to pack our green lunches?" huh! So much for surprises. But we did have a few from that tricky leprechaun, the toilet water was green as was our milk. He is tricky that leprechaun. Well Top o' the evenin' to you all.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Oh, the joy......

So last night was Meadow Elementary's free skate night at Classic Skating. The kids love this. We loaded the kids and a couple of friends into the car and went for some burgers first. Well, $30.00 later we showed up at classic skating( so much for free). Well the kids ate and then decided to show the other kids what they were made of. Colton with his hair blowing in the breeze managed to catch the eye of a couple of girls, Kinzie showed her stamina by going round and round and every now and then she threw in a trick, and Jaycie made her mom's arms sore by holding on for dear life. I think I had all of her 50 pounds of dead wait hanging on my arm while dragging her around the floor. She's not all that steady on skates. Colton then was asked to skate the "snowball" with above mentioned girls, and when asked he was going to "snowball" with both girls his reply: " No problem, I will put one on each side of me,".....huh, okay Don Juan. But sadly both girls were to leave before he could show off his charm. All in all it was a fun evening.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Great Kids

As you all know I am subbing at my kids school. Not so bad. I enjoy it. What I do not enjoy is the fact that some of these children need there butts kicked, in a major way. I know kids aren't perfect, but the fact is kids these days are so freaking disrespectful. They don't listen when they should, they pull faces at you, they throw pencils to see if they will stick in the ceiling, and they even jump over desks. The most frustrating part is you can't hit them. You want to , but you can't. And these are fifth grader, you think they would know better. On the upside it has shown me that even though my kids make me mad, they are really good kids. It is so good to hear that your kids are respectful, they do as they are told, and they get good grades. I am so proud of the way my kids act away from home. It worries you when they step out the door and you aren't sure how they are going to act, and then you find out they act just the way you want them to. Thank You my children for being so great.
On a funny note: I was subbing the rotten fifth grade class when a cute girl asked if I wanted to read her poem. I said sure and this was how the poem went: Roses are red, Violets are blue, I can't wait to suck on you. .........I kind of looked at her in hmmm....shock, and I asked who was this lovely poem to. Imagine my surprise when it wasn't to a boy as I had first assumed, but it was to a Hershey's Kiss. Of course, what was I thinking. I came home that evening and read the lovely poem to my handsome husband. Much to his enjoyment. teehee

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Total Frustration

Okay! So Natilie tells me about these new cute backgrounds for my blog. Well I have tried for two nights now to put one on and I can't. Okay I give up. This is how my blog is going to look until I can figure it out. All I know is I don't care anymore.
On to more fun news. Kinzie got a hair cut. Now with much debate and inner turmoil she decided to go with a long bang look. It is really cute, although it makes her look quit a bit older. A couple of years ago she wanted to have no bangs. She figured Jammie would just cut them off. She didn't figure it would take months of frustration on her mother's part to figure out how to make those bangs not hang in the face. Well now that I am used to doing hair with no bangs, she turns the tables on me and now she has bangs again. I will post a pic later, I am to tired and just plain to lazy to do it right now.

Let's talk now about the weather. I HATE IT! It freaking needs to decide what it wants to do. One minute it is sunny and I want to enjoy it, then 5 minutes later it turns butt !#$ cold and I can't stand it anymore. I hate the cold, my bones start to ache and my butt and feet get cold, and then Jeff complains that the bed feels like a freezer. Well I am sorry. I needed to get that out before I start drinking to warm my cold, old bones.